We value through values


Creating economic value in ways that also create value for society.



We dedicate people, capital and ideas to finding solutions that have a positive impact on the environment.



We leverage our talents and skills to create a positive impact on the local community and economy.



We apply internationally recognised standards for integrated management of business structures and resources.

Sustainable development golas - METECO

Promoting Green Practices

We support the United Nations Goal 13 for Action on Climate Change. Recycling, around which our activities revolve, is one of the most effective means of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions and conserving scarce natural resources.

I am responsible - METECO

Our vision is the transition to a sustainable society and all our actions focus on achieving this transition.

Contribution to Society

We channel capital into the local community through investment in equipment and infrastructure. In particular, we establish partnerships with local and international institutions to promote responsible business practices. In this way, we enhance both our own financial performance and that of our partner companies, and contribute to the advancement of society.

I am involved - METECO

Our every action seeks to contribute to society as a whole and to maintain equality and global solidarity.

Compliance with International Standards

We recognise that society expects businesses to go beyond legislative compliance. These standards set the framework by which we deal with our customers, manage our business operations and, most importantly, attract, retain and motivate our employees.

I am aware - METECO

We stay current with global developments and promptly adhere to new standards and sustainable practices.

Sustainability Goals

Supported by METECO initiatives

Each car recycling rate

Increase in the volume of waste management in Greece

Energy saving for every tonne of aluminium recycling